Bernie Sanders

Morning Docket

Morning Docket 03.10.20

* Some are accusing Bernie Sanders of disparaging public defenders by alleging that the government does not provide "a decent lawyer" to those who are unable to pay for private counsel. [Fox News] * The Miami Heat organization is facing an intense FMLA lawsuit brought by a former associate general counsel of the team. It is generally unwise to mess with a lawyer on your payroll. [Corporate Counsel] * A U.S. Attorney is alleging that Prince Andrew is not voluntarily cooperating with federal authorities in the Jeffrey Epstein investigation. [ABC News] * Led Zeppelin has won the longstanding "Stairway to Heaven" copyright infringement lawsuit. [Vulture] * A Florida prosecutor has been arrested for allegedly offering to help a criminal defendant in exchange for sex. [News-Press] * A lawsuit over profits from The Walking Dead television series has almost as many twists and turns as the show itself. [Deadline]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 02.26.20

* Michael Avenatti's lawyer has indicated that his client has been released from solitary confinement. Guess this will help Avenatti prepare for his other criminal trials... [CNN] * A lawsuit alleges that Florida should not count primary votes for Bernie Sanders since he is not a true Democrat. [USA Today] * The judge overseeing the Roger Stone criminal case seemed skeptical about Stone's request for a new trial. [Guardian] * Julian Assange's lawyer claims the U.S. wanted to kill the Wikileaks founder and make it look like an accident. Seems a little paranoid. [New York Post] * The Supreme Court has tossed a lawsuit over the cross-border killing of a teen. [Reuters] * A University of Maryland student is alleging in a lawsuit that the school knowingly served her gluten even though she had celiac disease. South Park fans know some of the symptoms of eating gluten... [WUSA9]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 06.02.16

* A judge has ruled that Andrew Schmuhl, the attorney accused of torturing and nearly killing the managing partner of the law firm his wife was fired from, will not be allowed to use an involuntary intoxication defense at trial. We may have more on this later today. [Washington Post] * Congratulations to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg! A newly discovered species of praying mantis with a decorative neck plate, the Ilomantis ginsburgae, has been named after Her Honor thanks to her "commitment to women's rights and gender equality... and her appreciation of the jabot." This is an honor that is truly fitting for the Notorious R.B.G. [New York Magazine] * Partners continue to head for the exits at Kenyon & Kenyon. This time, the chair of the IP firm's life sciences and chemical prosecution practice fled for Fox Rothschild, and he took two others with him. What's going on as this firm, and did they decide finally decide to officially pull the plug on the summer program? Let us know. [Big Law Business] * "There's absolutely no showing of any federal violation. The citizens of California are smart enough to know what their rights are." Sorry, Bernie bros, but because unaffiliated voters' rights haven't been harmed, voter registration will not be reopened ahead of next week's primary in the Golden State. Best of luck in the polls. [Los Angeles Times] * People are still raging against this JOP: The Nevada Attorneys for Criminal Justice, a group of defense lawyers 150 strong, have filed an ethics complaint against Judge Conrad Hafen, saying he showed a "complete disregard for the law" when he handcuffed a public defender as she tried to represent her client. [Las Vegas Review-Journal] * Boyce Martin Jr., chief judge emeritus of the Sixth Circuit, RIP. [Courier-Journal]